영어 회화/영어그룹회화 과외

[6주차] 내용정리

아네스 2020. 12. 12. 13:07

Do you mind if~?


Manly man : 상남자


Are you heavy drinker?


what's your drink limit ?


How much can you drink?


술 잘먹니 ( 한국은 잘 '먹는다'에 초점')

are you heavy drinker?

can you drink 5 bottles of soju?

yes I can, I'm a heavy drinker. ( 사람이 어떤사람인지에 초점)


I drink like a fish.


I don't drink even a drop.




A: I wonder when things will calm down and go back to normal.

B: I wonder if they will at all

A: What do you mean?

B: Well, I guess things will eventually calm down one way or another but I doubt things will ever be the same.

I'm more curious to see how things will change.


at all : 전혀, 그렇게 되기는 할까...?

I wonder if ~ at all.  부정느낌이 들어간다.

one way or another : 어떤 방식으로든 , 어떻게든.

I doubt things will ever be the same :전과 같을지 


let me do and I wanna do. let me alone.


He will be do that one way or another. I don't mind


that makes sense


미래가 걱정되는건 어쩔 수 없네요

I can't help worring about future, because I changed my major.



저도 어쩔 수가 없어요.

I can't help myslef

어쩔 수 없다 ?

There's nothing I can do.



It's addictive.


It makes me visualize.


대리만족 : I can feel what they feel.



live vicariously

Let me live vicariously ! ( 대리만족좀 하자)

I'm living vicariously (대fl만족중이야)

I need to live vicariously through you







'영어 회화 > 영어그룹회화 과외' 카테고리의 다른 글

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