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아네스 2020. 11. 22. 14:38

~하려고 했는데 결국 ~하게 됐다.

I was actually gonna go to the movies with some friends and we were gonna have lunch together but one of them suddenly had something to do so we (just) ended up cancelling the whole thing


당황하다의 표현 (No embarrased !!) 

He suddenly asked me if I wanted to come with him and I didn't know what to say(do)


Wow! That must have caught you off guard


She suddenly asked me a question and I panicked. 


집과 관련된 표현

I'm gonna get dressed now.


Did you make sure you have everything?


I left home as usual (leave)


When are you gonna get back home?


Do you wanna get chaged?


How를 이용한 인삿말 / What을 이용한 인삿말 차이점

1. How + ~?

How are you ?

How are you going?

How's it going?

How do you do?

Fine, Great, Not bad, Excellent, Fantastic


2. What + ~?

What's up?

What's going on?

What's happening? 

Not much라는 답변이 가장 흔함.

Not so much. Not too much, Not a whole lot


인삿말을 받았으면 답하고 반드시 인삿말을 돌려줄것.


should / have to / be supposed to

I should go to work this Saturday

I have to go to work this Saturday


You shouldn't be late on the first day. 

You're not supposed to be late on the first day

If you live in an apartment, you're not supposed to have parties at 3am

wasn't it supposed to come with fries? 

This was supposed to come with fries, wasn't it



~한테 미안하다 feel bad for +ing

이런 표현 없으니 유의. 행동에 대한 미안함만 있음.

I felt bad for saying that



sorry, my bad

I'm like to apologize for what happended

That wasn't my intention. 



find / look for / search 차이점

I found my wallet (무언가를 찾은 순간)


I'm looking for a good restaurant in this area. (무언가를 찾고있는 과정)


 - did you search your room? (공간/지역/장소를) 뒤져보는거, 수색하는거

 - Yeah, I searched my room, I searched my pockets, I searched my coat pockets.

 - I've been looking for them for two hours. 

 - I can't find them.


I searched the Internet and I found some information about the brand.

I looked for some Information on the Internet.
